Friday, September 23, 2016

Type of tool's effect on browning of apples

Problem: Do apples bown faster or slower because of which kind of knife we use?

Research: Apples brown because of the chemicals inside of them. How fast an apple browns depends on what you use to cut it

Hypothesis: Ceramic cut apples will brown slower than teeth cut or metal cut apples

Materials: Yourself, a serrated knife, a ceramic knife, a plain metal knife & one apple

Procedure: 1) Cut an apple in four different ways: bit, plain metal knife, serrated knife and ceramic knife.  2) Label each. This is very important because otherwise you might get them mixed up.  3) Set timer for 15 minutes. 4) Check every 15 minutes and take photos.  After one hour create a graph with your data to illustrate which one browned the most and least. 

Conclusion: My hypothesis was supported by the data.  There is observable difference between the ceramic and other kinds of cuts.

Application: Cut your apples with ceramic knives if you want them to brown more slowly.

Future Experiments Include: Will it be the same with different types of apples? Will it be the same with different amounts of apples? 

Hoping to see you soon, Lp

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