Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Hex flew high above our planet. Back then, it was nothing but a large, white ball. There was nothing but water. As Hex's job to create planets, she was very busy. This was how her day normally went like: chose a ball, lay an egg, egg cracks on surface of ball and splits open. Egg forms landscape, Hex finishes the job. Sounds easy? Imagine doing that 100 times a day. Poor Hex. She laid the egg, and it landed with a crunch. (ooh. ouch.)Hex had been hoping that a watery surface would be more gentle on her egg. Apparently not. She flinched. As the egg cracked, all the yolk and white spilled out. Hex's egg was not large enough to cover the  earth, so some water was left uncovered, forming lakes, rivers, ponds, seas, and oceans. Hex flew down and landed with a thump. She pecked and scratched, making hills and mountains, valleys and caves. She planted seeds, she put a lightning bug into the sky to become the sun, and a beetle to become the moon. She sculpted clay into chickens, people, cats, wolves, dogs, rabbits, mice, hawks, foxes, lizards, snakes, and many more. 

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