Friday, October 21, 2016

feeling angry

Why do we feel angry, a hot burning flame
    Swallowing us, yet we feel no pain?                          
We yearn to be happy, though our hearts disagree,
     Why do you take them, burn them, swallow their minds?

Why? Why don’t you, why don’t you swallow misery?

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Poetic vocab. explosion 

Benign = kind, gentle
Effigy = an image of a person
Martyr = a person who dyes for a cause
Impudence = being/feeling cocky or bold

Monday, September 26, 2016

Starting our Square

Find and measure one square foot of yard.

What did you see in your square?

There are bits of clover here and there, a spring of mint, dead leaves, a small twig, a flower, teeny tiny bugs, a grasshopper, some grass(of course), and a cricket chirping at me in my little square.

Friday, September 23, 2016

what does it mean to me?

Image result for deathly hallows symbol

What did this symbol mean to Viktor Krum?
It was a symbol of dark magic to Krum. It was associated with Grindewold, with oppression and murder.

What did this symbol mean to Xenophilious Lovegood?
It was a symbol of the three hallows, a symbol of powerful magic.  It preceded Grindewold.

What does it mean to me? Literature exists between the book and the reader. The meanings of symbols and stories change based on who is reading them, their experiences, their histories. Literature and other art involves the audience.  They use their political location (how they are situated geographically, racially, socioeconomically etc.) in how they understand the art. 

Hurricane Dancers pt 1

Define Simile
a simile compares two unalike things. "Sailors screech like demons, than leap and sink"- Hurricane Dancers-Margarita Engle

Write a simile about last night's storm
the rain pounded on the roof like a jackhammer 

Type of tool's effect on browning of apples

Problem: Do apples bown faster or slower because of which kind of knife we use?

Research: Apples brown because of the chemicals inside of them. How fast an apple browns depends on what you use to cut it

Hypothesis: Ceramic cut apples will brown slower than teeth cut or metal cut apples

Materials: Yourself, a serrated knife, a ceramic knife, a plain metal knife & one apple

Procedure: 1) Cut an apple in four different ways: bit, plain metal knife, serrated knife and ceramic knife.  2) Label each. This is very important because otherwise you might get them mixed up.  3) Set timer for 15 minutes. 4) Check every 15 minutes and take photos.  After one hour create a graph with your data to illustrate which one browned the most and least. 

Conclusion: My hypothesis was supported by the data.  There is observable difference between the ceramic and other kinds of cuts.

Application: Cut your apples with ceramic knives if you want them to brown more slowly.

Future Experiments Include: Will it be the same with different types of apples? Will it be the same with different amounts of apples? 

Hoping to see you soon, Lp

Hurricane dancers

Hurricane Dancers by Margarita Engle

Quick sketches to catch the rich visual language

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Hex flew high above our planet. Back then, it was nothing but a large, white ball. There was nothing but water. As Hex's job to create planets, she was very busy. This was how her day normally went like: chose a ball, lay an egg, egg cracks on surface of ball and splits open. Egg forms landscape, Hex finishes the job. Sounds easy? Imagine doing that 100 times a day. Poor Hex. She laid the egg, and it landed with a crunch. (ooh. ouch.)Hex had been hoping that a watery surface would be more gentle on her egg. Apparently not. She flinched. As the egg cracked, all the yolk and white spilled out. Hex's egg was not large enough to cover the  earth, so some water was left uncovered, forming lakes, rivers, ponds, seas, and oceans. Hex flew down and landed with a thump. She pecked and scratched, making hills and mountains, valleys and caves. She planted seeds, she put a lightning bug into the sky to become the sun, and a beetle to become the moon. She sculpted clay into chickens, people, cats, wolves, dogs, rabbits, mice, hawks, foxes, lizards, snakes, and many more. 

Friday, September 16, 2016

Hurricane Dancers

Ancestorthe oldeset people in your family tree
example: great-great-great(x 1,000) grandparents!!! Conquistadorsombody who counquers land
Raucousvery harsh

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Why study history


Well, one of the reasons I study history

it can help us be more fair.  if you don't know about it, it can be unfair. Example, your brother gets a lollipop. you say, tomorrow you can have the lollipop. Then the next day, your brother grabs the lollipop but I remind him that yesterday he got the lollipop. So he lets me have it.  It has a happy ending.

it helps us follow through on our promises/builds integrity

(our government has no sense of history)

if it happened once, it can happen again.  if we aren't paying attention, we aren't learning from what has happened before

it helps us learn from past failures and successes

the pipeline.  the people who are building the pipeline say it is safe & won't leak.  In 2010 a pipeline spill in North Dakota leaked over 800,00 gallons of crude oil onto farmland.  Pipelines leak. Things break down.  It is a fact.

history helps us make better points and build better arguments 

history helps us understand, appreciate and protect our land.

history helps us understand, appreciate and exercise our rights was slavery fair? was it fair how the government and society treated and sometimes still treats people from different races than us? if someone says that an entire group of people, if somebody says all arabs are murderers and liars. Each person has their own personality. you can't assume that all arabs are anything. How do you know?

how has studying history helped in the fight for marriage equality? 

Gays have had to fight for their rights for a long time.  If we don't pay attention to how gays have fought and just paid attention to their most recent struggles how could we know how much protesting they have done. And how would we know how strong they are. history inspires us to keep struggling and reminds us that we are strong.

History showed us that "marriage" has changed frequently.  It is not a "natural, unchanging law." It is created by people and governments and institutions.  They have changed it before.  It can change again. If it happened once, it can happen again. 

(i can escape my mom's hugs.  i can escape oppression)
Questioning history matters.  Who is telling the story? What are they leaving out? Who has the power to tell the story?


Oppression: (noun) unjust or cruel exercise of authority or power.  Being unjust.

Zinn chpt 1

Define Genocide
A attempt to wipe out an entire group of 

What are primary sources?
people who have experienced the 
disaster for themselves.

What might Eunice Williams say to her father when he came to collect her from the Mohawks?
no thanks, i've seen this war from the 
Mohawks side, not coming nope you're
 horrible. I am treated better here, so if
you think i'm coming with you, you 
must be loopy. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Chpt 16

Write a note to Hazel convincing him to leave the strange warren:

Hazel, please leave this warren. I feel that you will not be safe there. Ask yourself :Why do elil stay away from this warren? Who is that strange man? Where does that food come from? And, Why do all of these strange rabbits have this unnerving sense of fear?
- Fiver

Why does Cowslip tell Fiver not to talk about the snare? 

There is a strange belief in this warren that if you talk about something that you fear than you than it will happen to you. hey, people(or rabbits), that probably will not happen to you, unless you're careless.
They are rabbits that live with a lot of denial

Monday, September 12, 2016

quick move

Chicken Origin Story First Draft

All of a sudden, the sky exploded. The chicken god cried out as her egg went tumbling down through the sky. luckily, there was nothing for the egg to crash on......until a large sphere got in it's way. that sphere is our planet earth, but back then, it was nothing but a large white ball. the egg landed with a huge crash. it's white turned into the water, and it's shattered eggshell turned into all the land, and it's yolk turned into little tiny seeds.  the god mourned her egg only for a moment, then swooped down to finish the job. each seed she pecked became an egg, when she scratched the earth, it formed the landscape, and she broke one seed in half and sent them into the sky to become the sun and moon. she shaped the earth to become trees and grass and bushes. she took the water, and with it, made the rest of the beings, the dogs, the bugs, the people, and of course the rabbits and squirrels and birds. she also knew there must be a balance to every world, so she made eagles, hawks, raccoons, possums, snakes, and weasels. the god stepped back, satisfied. then she took to the air, flying free once more.

             the end.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Thrush Song

The white petals spun down around them, covering the grass and speckling their fur, while thirty feet above a thrush sang, " Cherry dew, cherry dew.  Knee deep, knee deep, knee deep"

Watership Down, pg 52

The king's lettuces


How do rabbits get to know each other?
By sniffing, feeling, and observing each other.

How do you imagine chickens get to know each other?
By squawking, intimidating(or trying to, anyway) and staring
at each other
Who is in charge in this new warren? How are decisions made?
Nobody is in charge. Whoever comes up with the idea does it. 
Strawberry has some leadership, but he is not the Chief Rabbit.

The Stranger in the Field

What is Hazel missing about his old warren?
he is missing the familiar tunnels and the smell of rabbit.

Who is the stranger in the field? 
 His name is Cowslip. ??????

How do Hazel & the others feel about him?
They feel confused. Is he telling the truth? Or is 
he lying to them?

What do you guess will happen next?
Maybe they will leave and find a different spot.
or maybe they will stay. I think if they stay 
they will be in big trouble.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

WD: Chpt 10

Make a list of Big-Wig's insults

  •  Acorn, you dog-eared, dung-faced disgrace to a gamekeeper's gibbet!
  •  you bunch of mole-snouted, muck-raking, hutch hearted sheep ticks!
  •  you look like the end of a rat's tail left in a trap!
Imagine some chicken insults. What would a broody chicken call someone?
  •  those long-tailed, mud-furred, disgraceful rabbits!
  •  Goldie, you disgrace of a turkey's feather!
  •  are you deaf, you long-eared, short sighted, featherless weirdos!!!!!

How does Bigwig's leadership style compare with Hazel's? What makes the rabbits follow directions from Bigwig? And from Hazel?

They listen to Bigwig because of his fighting techniques. he will actually push them. If they refuse he will insult the fur off of their bodies.

They follow Hazel because he is calm and thoughtful about his decisions.  They know that if they refuse he won't force them but he says, "Okay, you want to go back. Go ahead.  Do you think you can face the lemming alone? Think you can face the dog alone?"

Bigwig's authority comes from his strength.  Because he is the strongest.  He was once a member of the Owsla and so they respect him.
Hazel's authority comes from his brain. He is the most clever.

Talk about the terms "Indian" and "Eskimo"

"Eskimo" means "eater of raw flesh." They don't actually eat raw flesh [okay. maybe a little bit.] That would be gross. The name was given to them by mistake. They call themselves "Inuit", which means "The people".

how does that relate to the term "Indian"?

Eskimo is a Indian word. Also, they were both given to them by mistake. Chris Columbus thought he was in India, so he called them "Indians."  It was all a big mistake.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Active Readers DO:

  • Ask questions
  • Look for clues
  • Make connections
  • Read often
  • Visualize (in their heads or on paper)
  • Fall into the text
  • Use context to learn new vocabulary words
Plover: (n) shore-inhabiting birds

Image result
Ribald: (adj) crude or offensive language
Assurance: (n) words that inspire confidence

Ilexes: (n) a tree or shrub of a genus that includes holly.

 Image result for ilexes

Fifth Grade Adventure Begins

It begins!

Quiz questions! Chicken Origin Stories! A Podcast? Maybe. . .Who knows?

Image result for fifth grade