Friday, October 21, 2016

feeling angry

Why do we feel angry, a hot burning flame
    Swallowing us, yet we feel no pain?                          
We yearn to be happy, though our hearts disagree,
     Why do you take them, burn them, swallow their minds?

Why? Why don’t you, why don’t you swallow misery?

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Poetic vocab. explosion 

Benign = kind, gentle
Effigy = an image of a person
Martyr = a person who dyes for a cause
Impudence = being/feeling cocky or bold

Monday, September 26, 2016

Starting our Square

Find and measure one square foot of yard.

What did you see in your square?

There are bits of clover here and there, a spring of mint, dead leaves, a small twig, a flower, teeny tiny bugs, a grasshopper, some grass(of course), and a cricket chirping at me in my little square.

Friday, September 23, 2016

what does it mean to me?

Image result for deathly hallows symbol

What did this symbol mean to Viktor Krum?
It was a symbol of dark magic to Krum. It was associated with Grindewold, with oppression and murder.

What did this symbol mean to Xenophilious Lovegood?
It was a symbol of the three hallows, a symbol of powerful magic.  It preceded Grindewold.

What does it mean to me? Literature exists between the book and the reader. The meanings of symbols and stories change based on who is reading them, their experiences, their histories. Literature and other art involves the audience.  They use their political location (how they are situated geographically, racially, socioeconomically etc.) in how they understand the art. 

Hurricane Dancers pt 1

Define Simile
a simile compares two unalike things. "Sailors screech like demons, than leap and sink"- Hurricane Dancers-Margarita Engle

Write a simile about last night's storm
the rain pounded on the roof like a jackhammer